China backs Russia. India ruble trade. Klitschko Madrid mayor prank. German smiles in Kiev
No one wants to tell the brutal truth: Every stupidity that emerges from the mouths of Western Politicians….as well as every program initiated by every Western Government has to “sort well” with the hoaxes (deliberate stupidities) that have been implanted in the minds of everyone who listens regularly to Western Globalist Propaganda Media…and now listens to each other. The Collective West has zero future because virtually everyone in the Collective West is now stupid. How can stupid people choose intelligent leaders? And how can intelligent leaders emerge from within a stupid Collective West?
Trump, blemishes and all, was elected on an intelligent platform for working together to fix health care abuse, working together to fix immigration abuse, working together to bring business and employment back to the US, working together to shut down 800 foreign bases developed only to destabilize the World, working together to minimize pervasive “military-industrial-congressional” corruption. His platform so threatened the many Globalist False Narratives that Globalists refused to cooperate… at all….and we eventually got Biden, Pelosi and other Creeps…. after four years of impeachment drama.
In fact, Globalists completed the destruction of the US Constitution, the US legal system, the Western Media, the US State Department, the US Military, all Western Security systems….even the World Health Hierarchy …just to get rid of the Trump challenge to Globalist False Narratives. The Collective West got what it deserves for decades of not “standing up against” those promoting the evil Russia Hoax, the evil China hoax, the evil Carbon hoax, the evil Animal Protein hoax, the evil “chemical” hoax, etc., etc.
The route to sanity will have to begin in our schools and will take many generations. Until then, we have to hope that Putin and Xi and the many countries that join them in the “Belt and Road Initiative” will be patient with us. Hopefully, they will establish international courts to which we can Puke Up our depraved Globalists to face charges relative to their crimes against humanity. Hopefully, they will soon use just one of their nuclear weapons…300 times the size of the Hiroshima bomb….on an unpopulated mountain on the Canadian Border to demonstrate to the Western Public that the cost of endless stupidity could be the end of the World.
Let’s see how far we can take this tonight –
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Hey people!!!!!
Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!
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