How U.S. Media Whitewashes TPLF Atrocities to Push Regime Change In Ethiopia, w/ Jemal Countess

Letter To The WildRose Independence Party of Alberta (

Good Americans, including Trump, are so bovine-dumb that they can be made to believe that billions of dollars worth of modern weapons were left with Gitmo Taliban in Afghanistan “by mistake”….and that CIA and Zionist Spawned Head Choppers are trying to make a revolution in Kazakhstan…just North of Afghanistan, between Russia and China…also “by mistake”. This is the region central to the “Belt and Road Initiative” proposed by China to bring prosperity to Asia and Africa….like they have already done in China.

Bovine-dumb, but Good Americans, could go to the and learn how the Pentagon-Financed-RAND-Think-Tank has long been proposing all of the various “acts of war” that have long been enraging Russians and Chinese,…including the recent events in Kazakhstan….but they won’t. Instead, Good Americans will listen to hundreds of trillions of words from the Minions of Creepy Super-Rich American Globalists who learned how to fill the atmosphere with confusing “static” during the Vietnam War….”static” that then even covered-up the CIA dropping of 2.5 million tons of bombs on each of Laos and Cambodia, neither at war. But it does not matter anymore. Many Creepy Super-Rich American Globalists and their Minions who destroyed the US Constitution with US Government Institutions to rid themselves of Trump….will eventually stand, individually, in front of War-Crimes-Courts in Asia to answer for decades of war crimes. It is neither “legal” nor acceptable for successions of US Presidents to use nonsensical “alphabet-soup-explanations” for destroying entire countries and millions of lives.“The choice” for Good Americans, soon, will be to “puke-up” these tens of thousands of Globalist hair-balls for “real courts” in foreign locations to deal with….or allow Creepy, Super-Rich American Globalists to continue leading “the Collective West” until America “Glows-In-the-Dark”.

Good Americans, including Trump, are so bovine-dumb that they still support the drone-murder of the only foreign leader who was effective in ridding the World of CIA-Spawned Jihadist-Head-Choppers. And few of them even know the name of this man who motivated over ten million people to attend his funeral….who had a funeral procession hundreds of miles long.

Good Americans, including Trump, are so bovine-dumb that they believe that the Epstein/Maxwell Crime was about “grooming under-age girls” when it was actually about the entrapment and control of hundreds of US and foreign judges and politicians with “child-sex-videos”. Which laws were passed illegally, which conflicts were initiated inappropriately, by officials controlled with “child-sex-videos” held by the same Creepy Super-Rich American Globalists and their Minions who tricked Trump into “drone-murdering” his only effective ally in the war against CIA-Spawned Head-Choppers.

I can not think of anything more obscene than US presidents playing “drone-murder-games” with foreign targets…killing innocents most of the time…..while US operatives are arranging the training of “head-choppers” who are destroying entire countries, including millions of inhabitants. Americans would not forget if these atrocities were happening to them. Why do they think that foreigners will forget what Creepy Super-Rich American Globalists have been doing to them for many decades?

Sometimes it is interesting, at least, to play the “if/then” game:

If portions of both political parties had worked with Trump, as he originally anticipated, to fix immigration, to challenge the “Global-Warming-Hoax” and then to squeeze the Globalists’ Off-Shore “China-Money-Train” a little, restoring some manufacturing to the American Middle Class…then the US Economy would be booming and the US Treasury would be full and the US Middle Class would again be going on vacations all over the World. Instead, Creepy Super-Rich American Globalists developed an economy-crushing-panic around a “Covid-Cold” which can be easily restricted from lungs, the only place where it is life threatening, with my “Gargling-Protocol”. (Visit:, Menu Item Independence.)

If both political parties had worked with Trump, as he originally anticipated, to restore peace and harmony with Russia …honestly… with the goal of bringing virtually all US soldiers home…totally ending “forever wars”…then Russia would have never completed its UNSTOPPABLE nuclear missiles and would never have developed an UNBREAKABLE alliance with China. And Creepy Super-Rich American Globalists would not now be forced to cause turmoil all over the World as they attempt to control bovine-dumb Americans.

Please view the video below which clearly establishes that the US Government is now allied with another group of serial rapists, the TPLF, while crushing poor Ethiopians with its favourite weapon….”economic sanctions”.

There is obviously only one solution. Good Americans ….as well as Russians and Chinese….must insist on a US Constitutional Amendment, with retroactive effect, that will result in the automatic deportation of any residents of America summoned to Trial by any foreign Country. Unless drastic measures are used to restrain Creepy, Super-Rich American Globalists and their Minions from incessant trouble-making, they will obviously cause increasingly dangerous international conflicts ….until the US becomes a radioactive moonscape, without living inhabitants.

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