Nuland sent to Moscow, what are the neocons aiming to accomplish? (Part 1)

Letters To The WildRose Independence Party of Alberta (
 Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christoforou are themselves moral, honest, logical people so it is difficult for them to understand those who are totally dishonest, totally immoral, totally manipulative…..”creepy” as I usually call the Super-Rich American Globalists who are now attempting to cause chaos within and outside of the “Collective West”.  .

It is not possible to explain the distorted beliefs of virtually every American about everything outside the US….without understanding that US foreign policy has always been designed primarily to make the  “fake-news” and then the “fake-history” that is necessary to MANIPULATE the US public into supporting  World Domination by US Globalists….via business, via military, via regulation, via corruption….etc.    

Communism was an invention of a few idiot-intellectuals, designed to unite the illogical, down-trodden against their own Rulers, usually including Royalty, always including an established Ruling Class.  “Communism” was only an enemy of the US in as much as the US Media, owned by US Globalists, could make “Communism” into a “boogeyman”….. so that the US Public would support and participate in the destruction of all foreign resistance to US World Domination, by calling that resistance “communist”.  Before the Soviets had finished grieving for the 30,000,000 of their own “communists” who had died assisting Americans against Fascist Germans and Japanese…US and Israeli Secret Service Agencies were infiltrating Southern Russia and China with Radical Islamists.  While the French were still shipping Jews to Nazi concentration camps, Ho Chi Minh was saving Americans by causing trouble for Japanese Fascists in French South-East Asia, especially Vietnam.  No information available to Americans from their own Globalist Owned media has ever assisted them to understand the perspectives of foreigners, at least not in a timely manner.  Indeed, the American Globalist Owned Media has always used actual lies to hide facts that might promote harmony anywhere in the World.  

When “Communists” we’re installing NUCLEAR missiles in Cuba….. this was actually to force the US to remove its NUCLEAR missiles from Turkey….on the edge of the Soviet Union.  But the fact of the US Nuclear missiles in Turkey was hidden from the US public.  The “Cuba Missile Incident” was never “evidence” of communist aggression. In fact, Kennedy even later admitted that the US Military-Industrial-Complex pressured him at that time to use the incident as a pretext for an immediate surprise NUCLEAR ANNIHILATION of the Soviet Union. 

When Putin promised to build several new versions of NUCLEAR weapons that the US would not be able to defend against….it was to force the US to return to the “anti-missile-treaty” that had previously prevented the development of the World-Destabilizing  anti-missile-missiles, which were already threatening Russia.  That was US aggression.  The Russian warning and later development of NUCLEAR missiles which can not be shot down is a Russian defense, not Russian aggression.  It is ONLY the creepy, Super-Rich American Globalists who have ever used NUCLEAR weapons and missile technology offensively.  Russian and Chinese NUCLEAR weapons have always been entirely defensive…..against immensely superior and agressively hostile Super-Rich American Globalists.  Creepy, Super-Rich American Globalists deliberately used a previous arms race to destroy the economy and impoverish everyone in the Soviet Union….much as they are attempting to use “sanctions” and “hired terrorists” and regional wars to do the same thing all over the World now.  Russians and Chinese have always been concerned only with their own economic development.  Creepy Super-Rich American Globalists have always been concerned only with the spread of chaos and impoverishment because destabilization assists them with World Domination.  

US secret service agencies have been working with Israeli secret Service agencies since the 1950s to infest Northern India, Southern China and Southern Russia as well as all Middle Easten Countries with radical Islamists.  Radical Islam was imported from Saudi Arabia by US and Israeli secret service agencies and used to devastate anyone who resisted total US domination.  The Chinese Uighur issue is not evidence of Chinese malfeasance against its own population. Radical Islamists were infiltrated into Southern China after WWII by US and Israeli Secret Service Agencies to cause trouble.  The Uighur issue is now finished in China.  Those who remained in China were re-educated, without much violence.  Those who refused re-education were employed by Creepy, Super-Rich, American Globalists to disrupt Syria and other enemies of  US Globalists.  Every time you view a “News” image of a ragged terrorist holding a gun over a wall and firing bullets indiscriminately, without aiming, you should know that those bullets were purchased by the US taxpayer.   Indeed, Radicalized Uighurs, not welcome in China, were recently shunted among Libya and Azerbaijan and Syria and Iraq, etc. by bankrupt NATO member Turkey…..but they will soon be eliminated by Russian and Syrian armies.  

Creepy, Super-Rich American Globalists deliberately left GitMo Taliban to rule Afghanistan, protected with billions of dollars worth of US weapons,  in the middle of the Russian, Chinese and Iranian “Belt and Road Initiative” … hopes of destroying the largest humanitarian project ever envisaged for the World.  All of this while creepy Super-Rich American Globalists are attempting to destroy food production, energy production, consumer goods production, education and economic stability in the “Collective West.”  Creepy, Super-Rich American Globalists are now turning on their own middle class.     

Those who design and participate in US Foreign policy obviously do not care how stupid and repulsive they appear to virtually everyone who is not part of the ”Collective West”.  Every idiotic utterance made by every American Globalist Politician in every foreign affaires context is simply a continuation of their “marketing” of creepy, Super-Rich American Globalism to the ignorant at home.  Neither Russia nor China has been traditionally “Communist” for a generation….but the creepy Super-Rich American Globalists still need the Western public to believe in the “communist-boogeyman”.  The “fake-news” and “fake-history” megaphones continue to create “Communist Boogeymen” in the minds of Americans even after every store in The “Collective West” is filled with goods made in China and sold in the “Collective West” by Creepy, Super-Rich American Globalists….using their own US Brand Names.  These Creepy, Super-Rich American Globalists are obviously not going to deliberately make war on China or Russia…..and ruin their own money train….but they are going to continue to destroy as many small countries as possible while convincing the American Public that the “Communist Boogeyman” is real….so they can remain in control of a military with over 800 foreign bases. They are also going to do everything they can to ensure that every competitor has to spend vast amounts of money on weapons so their public will be deprived of consumer goods and opportunity.  

After the “Communist-Boogeyman” was perfected ….the “Animal-Protein-Boogeyman” was also developed by creepy Super-Rich American Globalists.   This “Boogeyman” has enabled creepy, Super-Rich American Globalists to impose the food regulations that caused widespread obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes….destroying the health of virtually everyone in the “Collective West”.  Of course, poor health provides further opportunity for Creepy, Super-Rich American Globalists to market supplements and medicines..before eventually making everyone dependant on Globalist Governments for health-care and old-age-care.  Visit:

After the “Animal-Protein-Boogeyman”, which continues to destroy the health of virtually everyone in the “Collective West”, the Global-Warming/Climate-Change-Boogeyman was developed to ensure that most consumer product manufacturing moved off-shore so creepy Super-Rich American Globalists could become the raw material suppliers, the manufacturers, the importers, the wholesalers, the distributors and the retailers of everything used in the “Collective West”.  They used environmental law, labor law and liability law to destroy the economy of the American middle class by moving virtually all manufacturing off-shore. Then, creepy Super-Rich American Globalists perfected the use of Subsidiaries located in Tax Havens to provide themselves with oceans of tax-free money.  Visit:

When Donald Trump mused about the possibility of making friends with communists and modestly taxing Chinese-made products entering the US, causing some American businesses to return home, those “musings” became “existential issues” for creepy Super-Rich American Globalists ….forcing them to mobilize all of the US Elites against him.  Indeed, Donald Trump’s most important contribution to The World, by far, was his exposure of the fact that the CIA, the FBI, the State Department, the Justice Department, the Courts, the Congress, the Foreign Service, all Permanent Government Employees, the Mainstream Media, Alternate Media Platforms and even the US Medical Establishment is totally dominated by creepy Super-Rich American Globalists.  We are now watching these creepy Super-Rich American Globalists deliberately destroy America with fake-pandemics and fake-vaccinations…more  “boogeymen” designed to keep creepy Super-Rich American Globalists in power.  The future of the World is clearly in the hands of Putin and Xi Jinping.  We should appeal to them to order the scuttling of all US Aircraft Carriers, symbols of 75 years of malevolence by creepy Super-Rich American Globalists.  


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