Putin tells Macron: West silently arming Ukraine for disastrous war
Letter to The WildRose Independence Party…
Globalists Strangle on Alberta Producers
Join or donate to the Wildrose…
Socialist and Environmentalist tools of Globalists have ruined the economy and freedom of Europeans and Americans
Open Letter to the WildRose Independence…
We need a Northern route to the World to avoid socialist, environmentalist provinces that want to continue to colonize us.
Letter to the new Wildrose Independence…
Albertans will not benefit much from leaving Canada unless everyone is allowed to import our components tax free and unhindered and unless all government agencies eliminate all restrictions on all of our exports
Open Letter to the WildRose Independence…
Alberta will not benefit much from leaving Canada unless all rules and regulations are designed in Alberta…for Albertans
Open Letter to the WildRose Independence…
About Quebec
Letters to the WildRose Independence Party…
Creepy American Globalists and their Allies
Letter to The WildRose Independence Party…
Making every Alberta citizen independent and very wealthy
Letters To The Wild Rose Independence…
How America used 9/11 as a smokescreen
Letters To The WildRose Independence Party…