Neocons, Israel Demand Military Action against Iran as JCPOA Talks Falter in Vienna

Letter to the WildRose Independence Party of Alberta (

In the video below Alexander Mercouris introduces his viewers to a region where Creepy, Super-Rich American Globalists, many of them Zionists, have long been developing the “Moslem Boogeyman” ….which they have been using, like the “Russian Boogeyman”, to convince Idiot Americans that they need an infinitely powerful military as well as infinitely powerful secret service agencies to protect their World-Domination.  (Visit:

In subsequent videos, I expect that Alexander Mercouris will provide the geopolitical detail to prove that this “Moslem Boogeyman”….like the “Russian Boogeyman”….is all “fake-news” and “fake-history” and that Real-Moslems, like Real-Russians are peace loving people who have been forced to defend themselves because of endless “acts of war” perpetrated against them by Creepy Super-Rich American Globalists.  

When I rode on top of loaded trucks, market town to market town throughout this area in the late 1960s early 1970s, most countries were struggling because colonialism had left them as impossible collections of tribes….each with different languages, religions, and/or cultures. Each Country  needed a constitution like that of the US which would guarantee individual rights to everyone and which would not allow any single region to dominate other regions within the same country.  Virtually everyone knew that…. as fact. School children and English-speaking adults could recite long bits of the US Declaration of Independence.  Everywhere I went, ordinary people wanted help from the US to become like the US.  

Instead, when Iranians elected a government that promised the Iranian People about five cents per barrel “Public-Share” on oil extracted from Iranian wells by Globalists….Creepy, Super-Rich American Globalists replaced that elected government with the “Shaw” and his American-Supplied “Savak” Secret Police.   ‘Savak” enraged Iranians by breaking their fingers one by one as they asked, “Do you know anyone who does not like our Shahanshaw” (king of kings)?  Nothing, other than “Savak”, could have united the Iranians against the Shaw sufficiently to get them to support the religious leaders they have now.

But then…. Creepy, Super-Rich, American Globalist Idiots supplied Saddam Hussein with “weapons of mass destruction”, including weaponized gases, and assisted him in every possible way for many years in an unlimited war against Iranians.  Nothing, other than that terrible war and the continued machinations of Globalists, could have kept Iranians united in support of their religious government, generation after generation.  

Everyone in the World with interest in politics….except Americans…knows that almost every truly malevolent leader in the World owes his “position of authority” to the machinations of Creepy, Super-Rich American Globalists.  But that game is nearing its end. .  Neither Russia nor China is going to allow Creepy, Super-Rich American Globalists to crush Iran….a key part of their “Belt and Road Initiative”.  Russia, China, Iran and even India are already beginning to assist each other to protect various relationships.  As the Creepy, Super-Rich American Globalists increasingly  “huff and puff” about Iran….the Russians and the Chinese will make Iran increasingly invincible.  

In fact, Trump offered the last chance for Creepy, Super-Rich American Globalists to moderate and become tolerable to most of the World…to retract most of their foreign and domestic tentacles…. to share some of their wealth with the American Middle Class.  Trump even tried to get re-elected by giving Syria’s Golan Heights to Israel…. which had already given the ocean of oil beneath the Golan Heights to Influential Zionists.  But Trump totally “backfired”.  His primary legacy was “Proof to the World”  that all US Institutions have been so corrupted by Creepy, Super-Rich American Globalists that the US is incapable of change …..unless confronted with an immense, credible nuclear threat.  

Indeed, there is only one place left for Creepy, Super-Rich American Globalists to hide.  They used environmental law, liability law, labor law and infinite regulation to crush virtually all business in the Collective West, moving it all eventually to China.  They now market these Chinese-made-products with American-brand-names…acquiring the products for almost nothing in China before selling them for as much as possible in their own stores in the Collective West.  They use tax-havens to keep most of the real-mark-up off-shore.  You can be sure that the much-reviled Chinese Communist Party is more capitalist than communist now….and that it has been “engorged”  with the Chinese Minions of Creepy, Super-Rich American Globalists.  I hope that Putin and Xi are preparing emetics to force their economies to puke these hair-balls from Russia and China as well….without making them “heads” of our “Health Hierarchies”. 


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