We need a Northern route to the World to avoid socialist, environmentalist provinces that want to continue to colonize us.
Letter to the new Wildrose Independence Party….(WildRose.party) planning to separate from Colonialist, Socialist, Environmentalist Canada.
I walked about 2000 miles in the Canadian? Arctic in 1968 for a seismic company exploring for oil and gas. We found immense amounts of oil and gas …for very interested international companies….but Canadian Colonialist Elites decided it was not in their interest for the North to be developed…or for largely-non-existent Northern Cultures to be torn from their bed-sheet-western-movies and Elvis records and drug abuse. It is a region full of oil and gas and metals and minerals ….endless potential for meaningful employment and wealth….but it has been largely depopulated…. as the Canadian Government destroyed all semblance of local culture with a diet that can only lead to diabetes and debilitation….and with the enforced idleness caused by endless, intrusive regulation….assisted with an totally inappropriate education system.
An independent “Producers Alberta” could offer Northern residents a million dollars worth of shares in Alberta ….to join us. We could then buy Russian Ice Breakers that are now quite capable of opening passages in 10 foot thick ice ….so we would not have to wait for a mythical global warming to have a year-round Northern Route to the World. We need only open enough ice to allow Asian ships to access us from the channels that are already kept open in the Russian Arctic Ocean. We need a Northern route to the World to avoid socialist, environmentalist provinces that want to continue to colonize us.
I have employed hundreds of Mexican Mennonites over the last decades. They tell me that Canada is a sieve that retains the worst Mennonites….those who want to get paid to do nothing but have as many children as possible…children who can later be forced to work for employers who will then ensure that virtually all of the money goes to the parents. Better Mennonites return to Mexico as soon as they have learned some skills, so they can work 16 hour days….always producing….building farms and businesses for their children. Labor laws and restrictions on producers and marketers are making Canada into a “shit-hole” like other socialist paradises. If the dollar drops a little more maybe our socialist, environmentalist, governments can make us into a favourite destination for sex tourists.
Check out the following link before “real news” from World Leaders is deemed so inappropriate that it can not even be viewed with a “warning”. Roger Snow