Taliban Appoints Hardline Government, Seeks Absolute Control, China Russia Unimpressed
Letter To The WildRose Independence Party of Alberta (WildRose.party)
I learned in the late 1960s and early 1970s as I rode on top of loaded trucks, market to market, throughout many Moslem countries, that American and Zionist secret service agencies were then assisting Pakistani and Saudi fanatics to train troubled Moslem children in “Madrassas” (schools) to become Radical Jihadists……to cause trouble for Russia, China and for every stable Moslem country. These Radical Jihadists or “Taliban” (students) are now placed exactly where creepy Super-Rich American Globalists want them…..in the middle of the Russian-Chinese-Iranian “Belt and Road Initiative”, posessing an immense supply of modern weapons. But until now….Jihadist financing always derived from the drug projects of American Secret Service agencies or from American and Saudi domination of World Oil Markets.
As the US Public finally learns what its Globalist Elites have been doing, as Saudi Arabia is forced to cooperate with Russia, as the US Petrodollar collapses….the Taliban will have to become miners and railroad builders as described at: GlobalistsChokeHumanity.com