Making every Alberta citizen independent and very wealthy
Letters To The Wild Rose Independence Party of Alberta (https://WildRose.party)
There is zero possibility of a “Better Alberta” unless the “False Narratives” (lies) originating with Foreign Globalists are replaced with a “Vision” for a “Producers Alberta” ….totally focused on making every Alberta citizen independent and very wealthy.
Throughout history, “Globalist Movements” have often managed to dominate increasing portions of the World. Scholars tend to exaggerate the importance of single political leaders and single political events to these “Globalist Movements”. I have lived long enough to have some experience with six such “Globalist Movements” and it is obvious to me that none of the leaders or events that “identify” these Globalist Movements would have had much influence without the “False Narratives” (lies) that evolved to totally capture the minds of most of their participating populations.
I once built machines for a flour mill operated by many workers who had come to Canada as refugees after WWII ….25 years before. Every worker still believed every lie that Goebbels and millions of others had woven to enable Hitler to “own” the minds of Germans during the war…..and my fellow workers were originally Polish, Italian, Lithuanian, Russian, Ukrainian, Czechoslovakian, Hungarian and Yugoslavian….not even German. I used university level history books, long before the internet, to prove meticulously during lunchbreaks that Goebbels was wrong, that Roosevelt was definitely not Jewish and that his father was definitely not Jewish….but my fellow workers then concluded that Roosevelt’s grandfather or great grandfather must have been Jewish, otherwise the US would have entered the war on the “right side”….the side of the Nazis. Hitler had used the fact, that the Treaty of Versailles that ended WWI was totally unfair to the German People…. to get a start….after which his apologists and supporters wove an immense tapestry of “False Narratives” (lies) that captured most European minds ….now surviving German Nazis in some places by 75 years. A World War, resulting in hundreds of millions of deaths, did not displace the utterly stupid “False Narratives” (lies) expressed by my colleagues that: “All Lethbridge businesses are owned by Jews.” Or…. “Everyone who displays happiness when they receive money is a Jew.” Or….”Everyone who smokes a cigar while receiving money is a Jew”. Or…”Everyone who rubs their hands together when talking is a Jew.” Etc, etc. My European-Canadian colleagues were eventually startled to discover that a lovable, blond, blue-eyed girl who worked part time at the Flour Mill was from one of ONLY THREE Jewish families then living in the small city of Lethbridge, Alberta…..but I doubt if I was able to really penetrate much of their tapestry of “False Narratives” (lies) significantly.
More recently, I watched dozens of YouTube videos made by Christian “Old Believers” and other farmers who had recently moved to Russia. These videos proved that Russia is not now Communist…not at all. I wondered how Russians were able to eradicate the “False Narratives” (lies) of the Bolshevik Communists from the minds of virtually all Russians…at a time when Western education systems promote aspects of Communism to students of all ages…and university graduates here are often communist idiots. The answer can be found easily by using the YouTube magnifying glass to watch recent, excellent “Russian War Movies with English Subtitles”. After Communism had obviously failed to deliver anything of value to ordinary Russians….and was totally rejected in favor of the mere possibility of prosperity….hundreds of Russian Movies appeared that depicted every Bolshevik Communist as a repulsive, self-serving “creep” who had obtained power corruptly. The “evil” enemies of the “Noble-Russian-People” in every movie are the local as well as distant Soviet Bolsheviks.
A similar totalitarian-rejection-process might have happened already in China if the Chinese Communist Party had not relaxed all economic restraints and allowed every Chinese the opportunity to ignore politics while creating personal wealth… in an almost unfettered manner. I remember when millions of Chinese were starving annually. Now, the Chinese export food to Canada….as well as a full spectrum of consumer goods. And every type of production in Canada is severely “choked” by excessive costs and regulation.
After experiencing 65 years of increasing regulation, I commonly advise prospective entrepreneurs that Canada might be the worst place in the World for them: Almost no Canadian can market a novel food without being harassed and shut down. Almost no Canadian can market a novel building material without being harassed and shut down. Almost no Canadian can market a novel machine without being harassed and shut down. Almost no Canadian can market a novel consumer good without being harassed and shut down. Almost no Canadian can market a novel energy source without being harassed and shut down. People who use their own small sawmills to make their own lumber have had their houses bulldozed….because there is no way to get that lumber “CSA Approved”.
The power of every Canadian Government Agency or Alberta Government Agency has always derived from “False Narratives” (lies), originating elsewhere…before becoming regulations, mostly copied from elsewhere. The Society For The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a foreign… for profit…business, that deliberately promotes absurd rules to make it difficult for animal owners to look after their animals inexpensively. It then harasses some owners to bankrupt them. The SPCA then uses compliant media to produce the propaganda that it uses to expand its powers…. and to convince old people to donate farms and houses to them. This malignant, foreign society now uses “False Narratives” (lies) to make all of the rules relative to domestic animals in Canada.
There is no hope for Real-Independence for Alberta until our doctors, nurses, pharmacists, hospital administrators, old folks homes, etc are freed from CDC, NIH, WHO, Pharmaceutical Companies and other Foreign “Health” Globalists. A single tiny tax on exports, with surpluses shared equally and annually among citizens, could easily reward each of us with many hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits …..annually…. and then put individuals back in charge of their own health care. In the past, when we paid our own doctors, they “worked for”…. us. When governments began paying our doctors, they began “working for”…. others. Our medical establishment now obviously “works for” those who want us to avoid Real-Protein, 18-amino-acid-protein, to become fat and diabetic…the inevitable result of diets that are mostly carbohydrates. Our medical establishment now obviously “works for” those who want to experiment on us with viruses, vaccinations, and lockdowns….all designed to impoverish us and reduce our populations.
There is no hope for Real-Independence for Alberta unless every government agency is re-programmed to assist every Albertan who chooses to produce goods and export goods… so that we each become so rich that our deposits become the basis of our banks. After we begin distributing hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits to every Albertan annually, there will be no problem increasing the size of Alberta to include the Northern Territories, an infinite source of metals and minerals. We can then hire nuclear powered icebreakers to give us an all-season route to both coasts.
There is no hope for Real-Independence for Alberta until our Country again owns our shared infrastructure and does everything possible to make energy cheap, communications cheap, transportation cheap, local raw materials cheap, imported materials cheap and until every level of government responds to locally elected officials….not Foreign Globalists.
Although the Canadian Experience has been dominated by three flavors of Globalism: first, Colonialism, second, Socialism and third, Environmentalism….the primary role of all Canadian Governments has always been Colonialist….to duplicate and enforce regulation, originating elsewhere…that choked us….and delivered us as consumers and employees to Foreign Globalists. Our politicians have always pretended to much more power than they have. Canadian Government Agencies and Alberta Government Agencies commonly “harmonize” all of our regulations in treaties and agreements with Foreign Globalists.
In the past, few in Canada would have been in favor of Colonialist Globalism if they did not believe the “False Narratives” (lies) common to the Western world that “civilizing” and otherwise dominating the colonized was of benefit to both the colonized and the colonizers. In Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police were known to advise Aboriginals that they had to leave their traditional houses in food-rich areas ….sometimes desirable as National Parks…or their children would be forced to live in Religious Residential Schools where they would certainly be sexually abused. The police sometimes advised the parents that they could never catch the guilty… because it always happened at night…and students could only identify the abuser by smell, insufficient as evidence for courts. Governments now blame the “Religious-Minded” colonizing Globalists, but it should never be forgotten that (a) there are no secrets in Aboriginal communities and (b) these schools operated exactly as intended and as supervised by the agents of the Canadian Government.
More recently, few in Canada would be in favor of Socialist Globalism if they did not believe that Western World Harmonization of education standards, healthcare standards, labor standards, materials standards, building standards, and food standards was not generally beneficial to Canadians….so our Governments were then able to use “marketing boards” to make real-protein so expensive that poor people all became diabetic. Our Governments were then also able to use “zoning” and “building codes” to force rural, independent people to move to cities to become slaves to foreign Globalists…and expensive houses. Our governments then made the regulations that prevented us from competing with foreign Globalists, either as producers or as marketers.
About 40 years ago, when I was building a mustard-seed processing facility within the rubble of Minneapolis, once an industrial marvel powered by free energy from Saint Anthony Falls on the Mississippi River, I was the last customer of a huge machine shop that had been making metal pieces for millions of machines for over a hundred years. The owner advised me that he was shutting down because for every machinist he had on staff, he had to “retain” many lawyers to defend himself against absurd lawsuits. He pointed at the “bearing-fit” he had just made on a shaft for me for 30.00 and explained that eventually my facility would be attacked by Socialists and Environmentalists after which the contents my filing cabinet would be demanded by a court and used by lawyers to identify him as a co-defendant in a nonsensical lawsuit. Hundreds of his industrial customers had already succumbed to such lawsuits. He explained that creepy Super-Rich American Globalists were using labor law and environmental law and liability law to shut down traditional manufacturing businesses …..while copying their products inexpensively in Asia and then bringing the copies back to Europe and America with the assistance of their own offshore tax-haven subsidiaries. He joked that the only way to restore economic health and mental health to America…would be for Americans to barter for the cars they were importing…. two American lawyers for each car. The exported American lawyers would then proceed to crush foreign countries….instead of America.
Regardless of flavor, early Globalism was always about using political power to obtain cheap, distant raw materials while “locking-in” subservient, foreign populations as markets for Globalist manufactured products. Recent Globalism, on the other hand, involves a “convergence” of creeps, dominated by Super-Rich Americans who used environmental law and socialist law and liability law to crush American business… so they could supply all Western Markets by working with fake-communists in China…. often using tax-haven subsidiaries to keep their profits offshore. These creepy Super-Rich American Globalists perfected their money-train to such a degree that they are now able to use their unimaginable economic power to promote the false narratives that are designed to choke humanity. The goal of the creepy, Super-Rich, American Globalists is now to kill most of us to make an “Earth-Park” for themselves and a few survivors. Their “tools” are the idiots who have absorbed and now disseminate their “False Narratives”, especially lies about Socialism and Environmentalism ….lies that were used to shut down any Traditional American business that could be heard, or smelled, or that had harmless, but visible, water-vapor emerging from a stack.
Unfortunately, the minds of virtually everyone in the Western World are now thoroughly enmeshed in a tapestry of “False Narratives” (lies) that began with the “False Narratives” (lies) of Colonialism…..to which were added the “False Narratives” (lies) of Socialism…. and that are now utterly crushed within the “False Narratives” (lies) of Environmentalism.
If Alberta is to become independent, every Albertan must purge themselves of the “Global-Warming / Climate-Change” hoax by visiting… https://realclimatescience.com… There is no “Global-Warming / Climate-Change”. The myriad “False Narratives” (lies) associated with this Globalist Hoax were deliberately designed to destroy our productivity, our independence, our families and our civilization.