Albertans will not benefit much from leaving Canada unless everyone is allowed to import our components tax free and unhindered and unless all government agencies eliminate all restrictions on all of our exports
Open Letter to the WildRose Independence Party of Alberta.
It is time to hire Alexander Mercouris, below, to formulate a Foreign Policy for Alberta that would eliminate ALL GOVERNMENT REGULATION OF ALBERTA EXPORTS….AND MOST GOVERNMENT REGULATION OF ALBERTA IMPORTS. We are not children.
We do not need paternalistic governments to interfere with agreements that we make with our foreign customers and suppliers. Harper finally killed the Canadian Wheat Board after it had already destroyed Western Families and Communities for almost 80 years…..but then Harper, himself, destroyed our relations with China, Russia and all Moslems. How do we make idiot politicians understand that they are not equipped to contribute anything to our foreign relationships. If not for Harper, before the Russia/China alliance, we would have been supplying oil and coal and food and metals and minerals to the Asian belt and road project….soon to be the only huge project in the World. If not for Harper, we would be working with Russia now to develop our North, possibly using Russian Nuclear technology to extract heavy oils, to keep ice open, to mine and process ores.
Whenever you think that nothing could be worse than socialist, paternalist, idiots like Trudeau and Notley….keep in mind that Globalists also use Conservative “false narratives” as they “have their way with us”.
I have the capacity to ship daily, to customers all over the World, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of Hemp Hearts Protein Flakes….an inexpensive, hemp food product, that I invented 22 years ago. But….Canadian and Alberta government institutions have done everything possible to stop my larger shipments, while giving my industry to their “novelty-food-darlings”. They even used the Alberta Heritage Fund to assist foreigners who were modifying my products to make novelty foods that would compete with me but not compete with the carbohydrate diet recommendations that are designed to make everyone diabetic.
I have over 20 registered letters in my post office box at this moment which are part of an new attempt to keep me from even sending samples of my Hemp Hearts Protein Flake products to potential American customers.
Alberta Elites as well as Ottawa Elites hate my Hemp Hearts Protein Flakes because they can be used to reverse the debilitation that is always caused by the carbohydrate diets, promoted by Globalists, that make everyone diabetic. Globalists…socialist, environmentalist and even their more Conservative sycophants…believe they have the right to throttle our oil industry, to throttle our protein industry, and now to pretend that a normal influenza occurrence… combined with fraudulent testing… is a covid pandemic. They need to be stopped. Roger Snow