Alberta will not benefit much from leaving Canada unless all rules and regulations are designed in Alberta…for Albertans
Open Letter to the WildRose Independence Party of Alberta (wildrose.party)
We will not benefit from leaving Canada if we remain within the same “rules based order” as Canadian Elites and their Globalist Colleagues. This “rules based order” is obviously determined to choke most humans as it converts the Earth into a National Park for Globalist Elites.
As “The Gaggle” below and other excellent geo-political analysts have indicated….the “rules based order” is sometimes a nebulous Globalist replacement for international law. It is then the fog of false narratives that is used to hide realities and avoid public condemnation for Globalist projects….usually wars and confrontations.
My focus is food…not wars….but the same “rules based order” of Globalists functions on this plane….also with malevolent purposes.
When I invented Hemp Hearts Protein Flakes 22 years ago, with double the Real-18-amino-acid-Protein per serving of any animal protein, the Statutes of Canada then advised that it was quite legal to claim for a food any attribute normally accepted as an attribute of food. My labels were carefully designed to teach customers how to use my new products without making any claims that were not normal attributes of food.
But the Canadian Food Inspection Agency began their attempts to shut me down almost immediately, because they claimed that Canadian food law had not yet been upgraded to conform with the laws of our trading partners….a food “rules based order”. It soon became apparent that Globalist food law was designed to discourage the use of Real-Protein, replacing it with carbohydrates….so that everyone would become diabetic and prematurely debilitated by the cardiovascular complications of a carbohydrate diet.
My high protein products, especially Hemp Hearts Protein Flakes, satisfy hunger much better than any other food. They make it very easy to totally avoid sugars and starches to reverse many of the health issues that seem inevitable because of the false narratives of the food portion of the “rules based order”.
My high protein meals cost only about 1.50 per meal in total. No one needs more than two of these meals per day. The cost of my food could be halved if I did not have to have to spend half my income defending myself from Globalists. If not for Globalists and the false narratives that they use to protect their “rules based order”, it would be easy to feed everyone on the earth with Hemp Hearts Protein Flakes.
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