About Quebec
Letters to the WildRose Independence Party of Alberta (https://WildRose.party)
It has been wonderful to watch the great legal mind of Robert Barnes chip away at the shell of “False Narratives” (lies) that has surrounded Viva Frei for all of his adult life in Quebec, Canada. I couldn’t believe my own ears when Robert Barnes announced that they would together interview Alex Jones, the “Wooden-Stake” aimed at the hearts of creepy Super-Rich American Globalists. I hope that after his complete emergence from his protective shell, Viva Frei will be something other than a really nice “Canada Goose”.
The only truly honest Quebecer is the one who wants to quit Canada totally….to make their own “Producers-Country” that will make every citizen rich with a single tiny tax on exports of electrical energy, exports of manufactured forest products, exports of value added agricultural products, exports of smelted, formed metals, exports of refined minerals, exports of rare earths, exports of nuclear power plants and exports of assorted high-tech products. Honest, Self-Respecting, Quebecers are ashamed that they have become a welfare shit-hole…. subsidized by Albertans who are not even allowed to pipe oil across Quebec, because Quebec is buying its oil and making its fertilizers and plastics and petrochemicals with Saudi Arabian Oil. As soon as Quebec becomes a “Producers-Country”, every Quebecer can become a multi-millionaire and their deposits in Quebec Banks can finance development in much of the French-speaking parts of the World.
But first…..Quebecers must scrub their minds free of the thickening slime of “False Narratives” (lies) that limits all forms of development…..especially the lies about Global-Warming/Climate-Change. It fascinates me that non-English-speakers all over the World expanded the promotional nonsense that originated in the US with Rodale Press and Ansel Keys into their own “Organic” and then “Global-Warming” religions where it hardened and arrested all further mental activity. It is easy for English-speakers to view the thousand plus Videos available at https://realclimatescience.comand then understand that there is absolutely no Global-Warming or Climate-Change, but this truth seems unavailable to non-English-speakers. I am still wondering if Viva Frei will read his wonderful children bed-time stories by Tony Heller and Patrick Moore….and if he will advise his children that those who use price and labels and education to discourage 18-amino-acid-protein consumption inevitably create constipated, fat, blind, citizens without feet.
For most of my 73 years of life in Canada, French-Speaking Quebec “Remainers” have squabbled with French-Speaking Quebec “Leavers” over the bribes necessary to keep Canada together….but with English-Speaking Canada, alone, subject to the myriad rules and regulations copied from creepy, Super-Rich American Globalists. This was facilitated by placing every agency of the Federal Canadian Government, in any part of Canada, under the direct control of French-Speaking Canadians….a French-Speaking “Deep State”. English-Speaking Canadians normally voted for French-Speaking Federalist Creeps who advised that if we did not elect them….then French-Speaking Quebecers would leave. As they retired from politics, French-Speaking Quebec “Remainers”, including former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien and his associates, often joined law firms like Heenan Blaikie that facilitated arms transfers from ex-Soviet sources to African dictators. Business was sometimes conducted at State Functions in Africa where the “protein” was contributed by school children of the “other tribes”.
The French-Speaking Quebec “Remainers” won…so far…by offering French-Speaking Quebec “Leavers” “immunity” from ALL of the rules and regulations and even the “norms of decency” that apply to the rest of the World. When Trudeau recently broke a spectrum of laws by ousting his honest, aboriginal, Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould because she would not illegally protect SNC-Lavalin from prosecution for its corruption relative to Libya….Canada was near the worst on the United Nations “Most Corrupt Countries List” because of the long history of corrupt-behaviours perpetrated by SNC-Lavalin and dozens of its interrelated companies. I worked with French Canadians who had been hired by the Canadian Government to fix SNC-Lavalin overseas electrical transmission projects in which foreigners had been killed. My colleagues are from Beauce, Quebec….the home of some of the most resourceful and independent people in the world. They are disgusted that SNC-Lavalin exists only because it obtains nuclear energy technology and other high value technologies as “gifts” from Canada….and because The Canadian Foreign Service functions as an SNC-Lavalin “pimp”, “enforcer”, and “cleaner”. Every entrepreneur in Western Canada is in continuous conflict with the French-Speaking management of ALL Canadian Government Agencies….but my colleagues in the food, health food, and small manufacturing industries in Quebec have informed me that they have never even seen an “inspector”.
From the time of my birth 73 years ago, until I was an older child, virtually every farmer in Southern Alberta paid most daily family expenses and most daily farm expenses by selling chicken, eggs, milk, and cream to townspeople….dairy to several competing dairies in Lethbridge as well as to a Cheese Factory in Glenwood. But then, almost overnight, the dairies shut down and we were told that we had to give these industries to French Canadians to keep them in Canada. Government agents made lists of local people who did not buy eggs and dairy in local grocery stores and then asked those people who they were buying their protein from. We then found government agents on our farms threatening us with jail until we quit supplying protein to townspeople. Eventually, recent immigrants were sometimes offered milk and chicken and egg “quota” …the right to sell limited production of chicken, eggs and dairy…if they agreed to produce these protein products from birds and animals in factory-like confinement. Subsequently these “quotas” were accumulated by investors and then rented to farmers. Those who play the Canadian Government “marketing-board-game” are protected by import tariffs of 300 % against foreign dairy products and 500 % against foreign poultry products. Those who play the Canadian Government “marketing-board-game” are able to buy up all other farms in their areas. Maxime Bernier, long time Member of Parliament from the Beauce Region of Quebec, possibly the most honest politiican ever elected in Canada, recently quit the corrupt conservatives and started the People’s Party of Canada and questioned the value of expensive protein to poor Canadians who are now becoming diabetic in epidemic numbers. He lost his seat in the last election, because all other political parties motivated the immensely rich “marketing-board-farmers” to campaign against him.
I would much prefer Viva Frei to make a “Producers-Country” from Quebec…a new country that would use a single tax on exports to make every Quebecer rich….so their doctors would again work for individuals….so their teachers would again work for families….so that every government agency would be focused on increasing production, not choking its citizens. China is now subsidizing those who will have more children. The World needs infinitely more production, not less.
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Children of the Constitution Encounter Globalism.
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